This post gives an introduction to ADO.NET Entity Framework and What problem spaces it is targeting and what are the various component.
The ADO.NET Entity framework provides set of technologies which supports development of Data-Oriented Application. The primary objective of the ADO.NET Entity Framework is to objectify your application’s data-add a level of abstraction on top of the relational mode.
1) Automatically produce objects for you as well as track changes on those objects.
2) Simplify the process of updating Database.
3) Less code for updating and Retrieving Data.
4) Provides a level of Abstraction which helps isolate the application from Database.
5) Enables developer to work with Domain-Specific objects and Properties.
6) Provides pluggable Provider (SQL, Oracle, MySQL etc) Model.
7) Instead of working with DataSets and creating SqlConnections, Provides classes which represent business objects.
The Entity Data Model Layers
It is comprised mainly of three layers:
■CSDL (Conceptual Data Language)
■SSDL (Store-specific Data Language)
■MSL (Mapping Schema Language)
It is comprised mainly of three layers:
■CSDL (Conceptual Data Language)
■SSDL (Store-specific Data Language)
■MSL (Mapping Schema Language)